Four Ways To Add Details To Vinyl Siding And Windows With Trim And Woodwork
Vinyl siding and windows can be a great maintenance-free solution for your home. The windows and siding can also be plain and not have the details like other materials like wood. This does not mean that they cannot be added to your home. You can have things done like installing wide frieze-boards around windows or crown and trim to the eaves to give your home more detail. Here are some things that can be done to give your vinyl siding the details you want to have for your home:
1. Adding Wide Frieze Details Around Vinyl Windows
Vinyl windows often have a limited amount of trim around them. This is because they usually have a nailing flange where they are fastened to your home. You can add details around vinyl windows by adding wide frieze-boards to them. These can even have trim added to them to give them a custom appearance. These materials are also available in vinyl-coated composites, which are durable and maintenance-free.
2. Using Crown And Trim To Create Details On Eaves And Overhangs
Trim can also be added to other areas of your home. If you do not want to have plain looking soffit and fascia, crown molding and other trim details can be added to the eaves and overhangs. You can also use metal fascia that has more details in it, or you can use a composite fascia material to add woodworking details to fascia.
3. Using Traditional Corner Boards And J-Channel For The Corners
Corner boards are the boards that make up the corners of siding. With vinyl siding, this is usually a type of corner-channel that the siding fits into. Instead of using this material, you can use conventional corner boards and a J-channel to use wider corners with a more traditional look.
4. Adding Decorative Accents With Your Vinyl Siding Installation
There are also many decorative accents that you can add to your vinyl siding installation. This can be things like custom gable vents and brackets to give the look of exposed woodwork details. You may also want to use different siding styles for areas like gables and walls on the roof, which can help to give your home more of a custom appearance.
With the right combination of trim and window details, vinyl siding and windows can be as good as any other materials. If you want to have vinyl siding installed on your home, contact a siding contractor, like Leger Siding, and talk with them about doing some of these things for your home.