How Important Is It To Check Your Roof For Storm Damage?
The period after a storm has passed is not to be used to relax and take a sigh of relief. This is when most prudent homeowners will get on top of their roofs and start analyzing the damage that the storm did. Although it's tempting to take a moment to relax after surviving a storm, the reality is that there will be other storms. Additionally, even if there are no more storms to worry about in the near future, you could still find yourself in trouble if there's a slight drizzle.
Storms Are Extremely Destructive
Storms are some of the most destructive forces on earth. There are cases where whole roofs have been lifted off the underlying structures, and some weaker structures have even had their walls blown down. This is all before you consider the possibility of strong winds picking up other debris and sending it flying through your home.
When your house has come face to face with such a destructive force and survived, it's a good idea to assess the most vulnerable part of the house. Although many houses are built to handle the power of storms, this doesn't mean they don't suffer any damage at all.
No Damage Is Too Small
A few dents on your roof may seem to be nothing to worry about, but it doesn't take much for a roof to leak. A single missing shingle can provide water with the opportunity it needs to get to the underlying roof structure. A leak you can notice is one thing, but slow damage of the underlying roof structure can compromise your roof to the point of needing replacement. It's important to know if there is any damage done to your roof by a storm, no matter how small.
How Should You Check the Roof?
A visual inspection from the ground should be the first step. There's a lot you can tell about the condition of the roof just by looking at it from the ground. Look out for visible signs of damage, e.g. dents, tears, missing shingles, etc. You should also look for large pieces of debris.
If you're not feeling comfortable with an inspection from the ground, hire a roofing contractor who can get up to the roof. Getting on top of the roof by yourself is definitely not advisable unless you know what you're doing. You could cause more damage or hurt yourself. For more information, contact your local roofing company.