Preparing Your Home And Yard Before Replacing Your Roof

If you have been dealing with a leaking roof, you likely have a roofing company coming in to install a brand-new roof. However, if you wish to minimize cleanup and prevent possible damage from the installation of your new roof, you will want to complete the steps below before the roofers arrive to begin the install.

Step #1: Cover Any Valuables That May Be Stored In Your Attic

During the roof installation process, there will be a considerable amount of dust and debris that is shaken loose inside your attic from the workers walking on your roof and using hammers to install new shingles. To ensure none of this debris damages valuables that you have stored in your attic, you will want to remove any fragile items and cover other stored items with a secured tarp or other covering.

Step #2: Move Items That Are Placed Around The Perimeter Of Your Home

If you have patio furniture, potted plants, grills, or other outdoor living items placed around the perimeter of your home, you will want to remove these items if possible. As old shingles and other construction equipment are thrown from your roof to the dumpster below, it is possible for items surrounding your home to become damaged if they are not moved prior to the installation of your new roof.

Step #3: Cut Your Grass

While the length of your grass may not seem at all important to the process of installing a new roof, long blades of grass can easily conceal nails and other debris that results from the construction process. Cutting your grass the day before the work crew arrives will make it much easier for the workers to spot this debris and ensure it is properly disposed of. 

Step #4: Be Sure To Turn Off Any Automatic Sprinklers

The last thing you want is to accidentally soak both the workers installing your new roof and all of the roofing materials that they have on site to get the job done. If your home makes use of an automatic sprinkler system, you will want to ensure that system is turned off in order to prevent this type of accident from occurring.

Step #5: Move Any Vehicles That Are Parked In The Driveway

As with patio furniture and other objects surrounding your home, your vehicle could be subjected to damage from falling debris if it is left parked in the driveway. Furthermore, many roofing companies require the driveway area in order to house their dumpster and any construction materials that they will need to get the job done.

For more information about working with a roofer, contact a local roofing company.
