How Whole House Water Filtration Works And Why You May Want It

It's concerning when you hear stories about cities with contaminated water supplies or when your own city has a boil water notice. You might even question the quality of your water supply whether you're on city or well water. If you're concerned about the quality of the water in your home, consider whole house water filtration. Here's why you may want whole house water filtration, how it's done, and what it can do for your water.

Why You May Want Whole House Water Filtration

Water filters that fit under a sink are popular, but these only treat one faucet at a time. Your kitchen water may be filtered, but the rest of the water in your house isn't. You may also want filtered water for brushing your teeth in the bathroom or for taking a shower so you don't have to breathe water vapor from shower water contaminated with microbes or loaded with chlorine.

A whole house filter treats all the water flowing through your home, so it can even protect your appliances and water heater by removing sand and other tiny debris from your well water.

How Whole House Filtration Works

A plumber installs a whole house filter in your plumbing system close to where the water enters your house before the lines branch out to different rooms. This ensures all faucets in your house have filtered water. The filters work in different ways, and the type of filter you get may depend on whether you have well water or city water.

A whole house filter often has multiple tanks and filters to ensure the water is purified as much as possible to remove microbes, heavy metals, chemicals, and gases. This improves the quality, smell, and taste of your water. When you shop for a filter, you can compare the contaminants the filters remove so you can verify the filter will address any concerns you have, such as reducing the amount of chlorine in your water.

What A Whole House Water Filtration System Can Do

A whole house filter can make your water safer for drinking and cooking. Some filters can reduce the chlorine in your water to lessen the amount of chlorine you inhale while showering. The filter can remove particulates to reduce the amount of sediment that builds up in your appliances.

You can also add features to a whole house filter to make it even more effective. For instance, you may want a water conditioner or softener added to the system to make hard water softer. You might also want UV light added to kill off microbes, especially if you have well water that doesn't receive any treatment at all before it enters your home.

Contact a supplier to learn more about whole house water filtration
