Repairing My Home

Save On Your New AC Installation With These 4 Tips

Whether your home's existing air conditioning unit is on its last legs or you're simply looking to upgrade to something a little more efficient, having a new air conditioning unit installed can be a costly endeavor. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to go about saving money on this home improvement project. Ask About Off-Season Specials When most people start thinking about replacing their home's air conditioning unit, it's already well into the warmer spring or summer months. Read More 

Parceling Out Work In A Way That Makes Sense: How To Database Your Subcontractors

Sometimes a contract results in a lot more work than most general contractors can manage. If you have realized that you have bitten off more than you can chew, there are ways you can address this problem. The most common way is through subcontracting. A lot of general contractors either act as subcontractors, or they are looking for extra contractors to assist on a particular project. So how can you sort the proverbial wheat from the chaff? Read More 

3 Reasons To Make Sure Your Roofer Gets A Permit When Installing A New Roof

When it's time to install a new roof on your home, it might just seem natural to hire a roofing professional and to let him or her just handle the project. However, one thing that you should make sure of when hiring a roofing professional is that he or she gets a permit before beginning the installation of your new roof. These are a few reasons why this is so important. Read More 

4 Reasons To Install An Asphalt Roof

Asphalt is a widely used roof finishing. It comes in tiles, rolls, sheets, and shingles. This basically means that there is an asphalt product for pretty much any type of roof or style of building. Asphalt is just as common on commercial buildings as it is on residential tract and production homes. But, why is asphalt used on so many roofs? There are several good reasons to install an asphalt roof, and this article explains 4 of the best. Read More 

3 Ways To Start Saving Water Around Your Home

If your water bill and water consumption are higher than you would like them to be, there are steps that you can take to reduce water consumption in your home. One of the best ways to reduce water consumption in your home is by installing devices that will limit your water consumption in ways that you may not even notice on a day to day basis. Change Out Your Toilet Read More